Make-Up Days
In case of sudden closure of the school, a make-up Saturday school session will be held. The date will be communicated to students and parents ahead of time. It is mandatory to attend school on this make-up Saturday.
All tests and assessments missed due to the sudden closure of school, will be conducted on the make-up Saturday, or at the end of the test week or examination.
Students are expected to have at least 85% attendance throughout the whole year. In case of any absence, parents must inform the school immediately. Failure to maintain an 85% attendance rate my result in student being withheld from sitting in school exams.
In the case of any absence, students must provide a “Note of Excuse” written and signed by the parents. In the case of any extended absence, the parents must submit a written request to their respective school office.
Attendance on the first day of school after summer and winter break is mandatory. Failure to attend the first day of school will result in 3 days suspension.
Driver Pickup Policy
In order to ensure the safety of your child, FPS follows a strict pick-up policy at home time. Whether parents, grandparents, drivers or home employees come to pick up students from school, they will be required to show the student’s FPS ID. The school office will issue each household 3 FPS ID’s that can be used to pick up your child. Parents should understand that this is the only ID that the school provides. However, if for any reason the ID is lost, then the parent must send an application after which a new ID is issued. Students must be picked up from inside the school premises, and will not be allowed to leave the premises without adult supervision. Failure to show an FPS ID will result in delays for you and your child. Please visit your school front office to issue an FPS ID.
The school is not responsible for any mishaps after school hours, or outside of the school premises therefore, students should be picked up immediately after school time.
If the school requires any students to stay back after school, it will inform the parents. Similarly, if parents cannot reach school on time to pick up their child, they are expected to inform the school as well
Discipline and Uniform
The school uniform of your child is available at any outlet of Ghani Sons OR order online through Youniform (
From Pre-Nursery till Grade II
The school uniform for Elementary students is a set of three colored t-shirts. Boys are allowed to wear shorts, while girls are allowed to wear skirts without a strap. Students of these grade levels must wear colored socks as per the uniform with white tennis shoes. Give your child an opportunity each night to choose what they want to wear. This is to instill in them thinking skills and decision-making from a very young age.
Grade III
Girls: White shirt and beige skirt with strap.
Boys: White shirt and beige shorts.
White tennis shoes.
Grade IV & V
Girls: Beige kameez with collar neck, white shalwar and plain white cotton sash.
Boys: White shirt and beige pants.
White tennis shoes.
Grade VI till XI
Girls: Beige kameez with round neck, white shalwar and plain white cotton dupatta.
Boys: White shirt and beige pants.
White tennis shoes.
Discipline Policy
Disruptive and insolent behavior that interferes with the learning environment of the school will be dealt with severely. Depending on the severity of the situation, students are disciplined via verbal warnings, written warnings, detention, suspension and ultimately expulsion. Parents may also be called to meet the principal to discuss their child’s behavior.
There are a set of rules and expectations for behavior in school. Failure to comply will result in the following consequences:
1.Detention after-school or on Saturday
2.Suspension from school
3.Expulsion from school
All consequences are at the discretion of the Building Head based on facts determined through internal investigations.
Anti-Bullying Policy
FPS has a zero tolerance policy towards bullying. FPS strives to maintain a safe and peaceful environment in which all students are treated equally regardless of race, religion, and gender orientation. Bullying and discrimination, including cyber bullying, will result in possible suspension and expulsion.
Academic Policy
Academic Integrity
The school has a zero-tolerance policy towards academic dishonesty. All acts of academic dishonesty including cheating, plagiarism, or using any unfair means to gain an advantage in homework, classwork, tests or assessments will be subject to severe consequences.
Academic Promotion
In order to be promoted to the next grade level students have:
- To receive a minimum of 50% marks overall
- To receive a minimum of 50% marks overall in 2 of the 3 compulsory subjects (English, Urdu, and Mathematics)
- To have 85% attendance throughout the school year
Academic Probation
Students (Grade I – V) who receive a failing grade of below 55% or/and fail in two compulsory subject are not promoted to the next grade level and will be retained in the same grade level for the next academic year.
Students (Grade VI – XI) who receive a failing grade of below 50% or/and fail in two compulsory subjects are not promoted to the next grade level and will be retained in the same grade level for the next academic year.
Students (Grade VI – XI) who do not achieve a passing grade for two years will be asked to withdraw from the school.
Billing and Miscellaneous
Parents are billed quarterly in the months of August, October, January, and May. All fees must be paid directly to the bank. Late fees will result in an incremental penalty.
Students with outstanding dues will not be allowed to sit for their midterm and final exams. Students will also not be promoted to the next grade level until all dues are cleared. All students appearing for the Final Examination will be required to clear all dues till July, irrespective of their withdrawal application
Financial Aid
FPS provides financial aid for families experiencing financial hardship in extenuating circumstances.
To apply for financial aid, please request a financial aid form from the Head Office .Along with the form, you will also have to submit a letter, and proof of financial hardship including household income, bank statements, household expenses, utility bills etc.
Your application will then be reviewed by the administrative team and is only accepted in extenuating and special circumstances.
FPS also provides merit based scholarships for students who have achieved exceptional performance in either academics or sports. These selective students are handpicked by the school administration.
Building Transfer
Building transfers between FPS campuses are permitted in special circumstances. Students are only allowed to change their building once during their time at FPS. The deadline to submit a transfer requests is 10th of January each year. In order to submit a transfer request, please submit the following documents:
- Letter of explanation
- If the transfer is due to a change in residence, then please submit proof of your residency including tenancy agreement or ownership documents.
- If the transfer is due to any other reason, then please submit documented proof
- FPS does not entertain requests based on preconceived notions of school status